Nintendo's New 3DS XL With Even More SNES
Recently, Amazon has made a page for a New Nintendo 3DS XL model designed as an homage to their second and arguably most beloved console of all time, the Super Nintendo Entertainment System.

There as of yet been no confirmation by Nintendo about any such device, though interestingly this comes shortly after the release of the SNES Classic, so it's not a stretch to imagine the two products being released simultaneously on purpose. Amazons page for the item the release date is listed as November 27th, meaning we may have a while before we hear anything more about this. It's also worth noting that Europe and Japan have both had a SNES themed 3DS for a while now, so perhaps we can expect an announcement for North America soon.

Of course, one can't help but hope that this could mean more. The 3DS eShop has been up for years, and the New 3DS does feature SNES games already, but perhaps there's more to this than meets the eye? Nintendo's latest console, the Nintendo Switch, has been missing a retro game lineup for eight months now. Could this release be a subtle hint that the virtual console could be coming to the hybrid system? The latest Switch update featured the ability to move system data between consoles and allows users to use GameCube controllers on the system, so it's clear Nintendo has been listening to what the fans want. Surely the VC can't be too far behind? Well, we can only hope.