Netflix Godzilla Film Reveals Full Title, Plot Synopsis
Godzilla is experiencing a resurgence in popular culture right now. Ever since Matthew Broderick and Roland Emmerich's turn with the giant reptilian terror, America had been at a low point when it comes to city-smashing monsters. But Gareth Edwards and Legendary Pictures brought the King of Monsters back in style in 2014. Since then, it's been a field day for American Godzilla fans. Of course, there was 2014's Godzilla directed by Gareth Edwards and starring Aaron Taylor-Johnson. Then in 2016, Toho and Funimation offered up Shin Godzilla, also known as Godzilla Resurgence. The film had a limited North American run, but it also won seven Japan Academy Prizes, including Picture of the Year and Director of the Year. And now, Polygon Pictures and Netflix are teaming up to bring Godzilla into your living room. The project, titled Godzilla: Kaiju Wakusei (Godzilla: Monster Planet) is set to release in November. The anime will have a theatrical release in Japan, after which it will be available to stream on Netflix. The official synopsis of the film was also released:
The last summer of the 20th Century. That day, the human beings learn that they are not the only ruler of the planet Earth.
The appearance of the giant living creatures “Kaiju’s” and the ultimate existence that destroys all monsters: Godzilla. Through the battle against kaiju’s that lasted for half a century, human beings have experienced continuous defeat, and finally plan to escape from the Earth. And in 2048, only those who were selected by the A.I. managed under the central government boarded the inter-sidereal emigrant spaceship “Aratrum” to head for “Tau Cetus e”, the planet beyond the distance of 11.9 light-year. However, the environmental condition differences between that of the Earth and Tau e, which they finally arrived after 20 years were far beyond the predicted numbers, and was not an environment considered to be habitable by human beings.
The young man on the emigrant ship: Haruo, who saw his parents killed by Godzilla in front of his eyes when he was 4 years old, had only one thing in his mind for 20 years: to return to the Earth and defeat Godzilla. Shut out from the possibility of emigration, as the living environment in the ship deteriorates, the group of “Earth Returnists” led by Haruo became the majority, and determines to head back to Earth through a dangerous long-distance hyperspace navigation. However, the Earth they have returned has already passed the time of 20,000 years, and has become an unknown world with the ecosystem reigned by Godzilla.
At the end, will human beings win back the Earth? And what will Haruo see beyond his fate?
The film will take place in the future, with humanity turning to space, and the King of Monsters claiming Earth as his own. This version of Godzilla appears to be distinctly different from the version Legendary has put at the center of their Monsterverse. Unlike that Godzilla, who protects humans from other giant monsters, this one is a force of nature and will destroy anything in his path.
The film's cast will include the vocal talents of Yuki Kaji (“Attack on Titan,” “AJIN: Demi-Human”), Takahiro Sakurai (“AJIN: Demi-Human,” “BLAME!”), Tomokazu Sugita (“Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker,” “Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure”), Junichi Suwabe (“Nodame Cantabile,” “Prince of Tennis”), Kana Hanazawa (“BLAME!,” “Psycho-Pass”) and Mamoru Miyano (“AJIN: Demi-Human,” “The Seven Deadly Sins”).