Nerd It Here First
Nerd It Here Weekly
Who Is The Best Marvel Villain?

Who Is The Best Marvel Villain?

Nerd It Here Weekly 105

Welcome to Nerd It Here Weekly, a weekly talk show about the things we love to obsess about.

This month is Make May Marvel in honor of Doctor Strange and the Multiverse of Madness. We’re spending the whole month talking about Earth’s greatest heroes and villains.

This week, we’re debating who is the best Marvel villain. Please take a listen and then follow the link below to vote for your winner in our Twitter poll!

Plus, if you’re a subscribing member of NIHF, you. can leave us a comment with your nominee for best Marvel villain. We’ll shout out some of our favorites on a future episode of the show.

Nerd It Here First
Nerd It Here Weekly
A fan culture pod that's as obsessed with the things you love as you are.